How to Repair a Septic Tank In Sherborne

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    Septic Tank

    If you live in a house with a septic tank, it’s likely that at some point you’ll need to repair it. Whether it’s a simple clog or something more serious like a broken pipe connection or cracked concrete, knowing how your septic tank works can help guide you through the repair process. In this article, we’ll cover what to expect when repairing your septic tank and offer tips on how to make sure everything goes smoothly.

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    Know your septic tank

    • Inspect the septic tank. Check to see if it is leaking, which could indicate that there are cracks or holes in the tank. This can be done by placing a tarp underneath the tank, then pouring water on top of it; any leaks will show up as discoloration within 30 minutes. If your septic tank is buried underground, you will not be able to use a trap, but you can inspect the ground surrounding it and look for signs of waterlogging or unexpected plant growth.

    • Determine if your septic system needs to be replaced or repaired. If you notice that your drains are clogged, this may be an indication that your septic system is not functioning properly, and that it may need replacement rather than repair (if possible). You can also test for leaks by putting food colouring in a container of water and adding it to your toilet bowl; if color appears in any part of your house within 30 minutes or so after flushing, then this indicates that there is likely some kind of leak occurring somewhere within your plumbing system (including possibly underground).

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    Identify common issues

    If you notice any of the following issues, your septic tank is in need of some attention:

    • Leaking septic tank: A leaking septic tank could be caused by cracks or holes in the concrete or fiberglass shell. If water is flowing out of these areas, you should have them repaired immediately.

    • Septic tank backup: A backup occurs when solid waste becomes trapped inside a drain field and causes sewer pipe clogs. The only way to remove this buildup is by using a backhoe to dig up the drain field and remove it manually.

    • Sewer pipe clogs: Clogged pipes are another common issue with septic tanks. They’re easy enough to fix—you’ll just want to make sure no one else tries beforehand (see below).

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    Fix broken pipe connections

    • Inspect the tank for broken pipes and loose connections. Look for any leaks or signs that the pipe connections are damaged, like rust or exposed metal parts. If you find any damage, use a wrench to tighten these connections so that there is no longer a gap between them. This will prevent further seepage from occurring in these areas of your tank system and prevent sewage from leaking into other parts of your property or neighborhood.

    • Call a professional if you can’t find the leak yourself—if you’re having trouble locating it by yourself, don’t hesitate to call in someone who knows what they’re doing!

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    Clean or replace the filter

    To clean the filter, simply remove it and soak it in a sink or bucket filled with warm water. Let it soak for at least one hour, then rinse and dry it thoroughly with a cloth. Replace the filter after each cleaning (or more often if you have an extremely dirty tank).

    If you need to replace your septic tank’s entire filtration system, there are several options available:

    The better you know how your septic tank works, the easier it is to fix if it breaks down.

    If you’re looking for a way to save money on your septic tank, the best thing you can do is learn how it works. If you know how your septic tank works and how it processes waste from your home, then it’s much easier to repair if something goes wrong. Knowing more about the system can give you some peace of mind as well and you will know if and when you are better to call in the professionals to help you.

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      Final words

      If you know how your septic tank repair, you can fix it when something goes wrong and prevent future issues, and if you are having trouble with your septic system you will know when to call in the professionals, such as Pro Septic Tank.

      If you live in or around Sherborne and are having issues with your septic tank, or simply want some general maintenance or it cleaning, you can contact Pro Septic Tank for advice and services.

      With over 20 years of experience, Po Septic Tanks certainly know a thing or two about septic tank installation and maintenance.

      So don’t try to go it alone, call Pro Septic Tanks for advice and a no-obligation quote. With Pro Septic Tank you can expect:

      • Fully Qualified Safe Contractor Approved Workers

      • Quick Response Time

      • Full Indemnity Insurance

      • Competitive Prices

      • 24/7 drain services

      • Availability 365 days of the year

      • No Call Out Fee

      • Free Quotations

      • Friendly service

      • Guaranteed Work

      • 5-star rating

      • Peace of mind

      So, what are you waiting for? Whether you want your septic tank repaired, or cleaned or you are considering having a new one installed, we at Pro Septic Tank can help you choose the best solution for you.

      You can reach us at or by phoning 0800 824 72 99